History of Master Programs

Establishment of The Master’s Program in Finance and Banking was suggested by the Faculty of Economics, and approved by the post-graduate committee of the Kabul University and postgraduate committee of Educational Affairs Integration General Directorate (EAIGD) of the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) on 25.09.1391. Following the process, suggestion No. 356/383 dated 28.09.1391 was made by Educational Programs Development Directorate of EAIGD to the MoHE, and approved by the Mister of Higher Education through Decree No. 5688/4249 dated 29.9.1391 

At the beginning of SY1392, 25 students were enrolled as first batch students through competitive examination and the program began its academic affairs conducted by qualified instructors. The first batch graduates were 24 students on SY1393. The subsequent batches graduates were 19 students on SY1394, 22 students on SY1395, 28 students on SY1396 and 35 students at SY1397; the total of which becomes 128 students graduated from SY1393 to SY1397 in five batches from Master’s program of Finance and banking department of the Faculty of Economics.  

The Faculty started its second Master’s program named “National Economics” on SY1393. The program established after the legal processes were completed and a total 99 students were graduated from this program. 

After the evaluation of the Master’s programs conducted on SY1396, it was decided to integrate this program with Master’s program in Finance and Banking and its gradual integration started. The suggestion was made by master program council of the faculty and approved by EAIGD. 

Following the MoU signed with University Support and Workforce Development Program (USWDP) on SY1395, The Faculty of Economics started MBA program after completion of its legal processes. The first batch of MBA program graduates were 20 student on SY1396. Once the MoU terminated, due to unavailability of qualified instructors the program could not accept students for SY1397. The Faculty plans to receive students for MBA on SY1398.  

The total of post-graduates completed theirs master’s degree in the Faculty of Economics are 276 students from SY1392 to SY1397.  

Based on the MoU signed between the MoHE and the Ministry of Education (MoE) regarding capacity building of MoE staff on SY1396, 20 employees of MoE were awarded the opportunity in the Master’s Program in Finance and Banking, and they will complete their Master’s Degree by the end of  SY1397. 

Based on the MoU signed between De Afghanistan Bank (DAB) and Bank-e-Meli- Afghan (BMA) with the MoHE on capacity building of the staff of these banks, 17 employees from DAB and 17 employees from BMA were given the opportunity to join the Master’s program in Finance and Banking on SY1397, autumn season semester after a competitive exam was taken by the Kankor (University Entrance) Exam committee. The Master’s programs of the Faculty of Economics has currently 211 students. 

گالری رسانه

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