Atomic and Nuclear Physics Master's Program

Faculty of Physics begins MS program in Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics in order to implement Development Plan of the Faculty. Details of the program are given below.

History:The MS program was launched for the first time in the years 2011-13, before disintegration of Faculty of Science and was postponed after graduation of two batches. After Disintegration of of Science Faculty, The Physics Department emerged as a separate Faculty and the Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics launched the MS program.

Preface:This important MS program is designed to achieve the goal of the use of peaceful nuclear technology in the sectors of Energy, Security, agriculture, medical, mining and different industries by training the skilled workforce. Training of workforce in this sector is necessary for investments in science and technology. The expansion of the human resource for improvement of nuclear industry of the country is aimed with this Program.

Introduction of the MS ProgramMS Program of Atomic and Nuclear Physics is the post graduate degree program after completion of four years undergraduate program in physics. It includes benchwork as well as research work.

The goal of this program is to prepare trained people in the field of nuclear and atomic physics so that they can handle theoretical and practical problems in this field not only in the national level projects but also internationally.

Need and importance of the MS Program

Physics is one of the most important branches of science that has vast applications in different sectors like industry, agriculture and medical etc. different research centers, hospitals, organizations, ministries like Agriculture, Public Health, Communication, Water and Energy, Mines and Industries and Atomic Energy Commission, they all need Nuclear physicists. Based on this, launching an MS program in the presence of experts and specialist professors is of upmost importance in this field.

Fulfillment of the MS Program requirementsThe department of Atomic and Nuclear physics is trying to insure the presence of experienced teachers via affiliations with internal and external organizations. These affiliations will also help in academic exchange programs for teachers and students, sharing the labs for research and performing the practical thesis work.

For capacity development of teachers PhD scholarships will be taken and labs will be equipped with the help of World Bank.

Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics will also insure the fulfillment of the condition of the eligible teachers by taking help of the senior professors of Department of Electronics and Department of theoretical and general Physics.

Need Assessment of MS Program in Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Need assessment was done as following by the academic members of the department in order to identify the needs of the related applied sector and train and educate the student accordingly

a) Interview with organizations and ministries leadership that needs specialists in the atomic and nuclear field.

In order to make students familiar with working environment, they were assigned with practical and field work in different organizations. Some among them are

  • Assessment of laser gallium in ministry of communication for transfer of large data in lesser time: Physics Faculty noticed that Ministry of communication needed extensive training and physicists for this purpose.

  • Lithium and its applications in industry: This monograph was related to ministry of Mines and Petroleum. The physics student responsible for data collection noticed that the given Ministry needs a specialist person in this regard.

  • Dose rate assessment in radiology units: This topic was concerned with Atomic Energy Commission. It was noticed that the data collected was very less, insufficient and inaccurate for future policy and decision making.

  • Applications of Nuclear Physics in Agriculture: It was noticed that the Ministry of Agriculture lacked the specialists and experts in this field.

  • Cancer Treatment through Nuclear Radiation: it is noticed strongly that ministry of public health needs specialists and experts  not only in the field of radiology but also in the field of nuclear physics.

b) Assessment of future conditions in different sectors that needs Nuclear Physics specialists:

Different relevant sectors of the country are assessed directly by teachers and students of the Faculty of Physics. We concluded that these sectors are very weak because of the absence of nuclear physicists. In order to improve the conditions and support the economy of the country, there is an immense need of  nuclear physicists in the relevant sectors.

c) Direct Observation of Ministries Needs:

The teachers and students of the department went and directly observed the situation of the different relevant sectors including Ministries of Communication, Water and Energy, Mine and Petroleum, Public Health, Agriculture and Livestock and Atomic Energy Commission. All relevant sectors need nuclear physicists for some of  their important activities.

d) Review of Academic Manuscripts and Information:

Based on the experience of the academic members of Physics Faculty, they guided and shared their views with the curriculum committee to prepare a standard curriculum that can fulfill the needs of the society.

e) Participation in the OBE-SCL workshops:

All the teachers of Physics Faculty participated in the OBE-SCL Workshops and thus got the necessary training to conduct needs assessment and develop a standard curriculum for the MS Program.

Goals of the Needs Assessment

  • Planning Information

Goals of the curriculum were identified by needs assessment that initiated the curriculum design. Initially the resources necessary for achieving the goals, were determined. On the other hand, information gathered from the needs assessment also shaped the kind of the programs for the Department. Shortly, on the basis of the needs assessment, short and long term plans and programs were defined for the Department.

  • Making the Department Responsive and Responsible

One of the goals of the process of the needs assessment is to make the Department responsive and responsible for its efforts and results. Department is also a monitoring entity to find that either the academic activities are effective or not? What are the areas that need further work to fulfill the minimum criteria of the defined standards?

  • Identification of Weak Points and Basic Problems in the Department

Based on the results from needs assessment, Head of the Department, Academic members and Curriculum committee can identify critical areas and will take the necessary actions to remove the obstacles.

Evaluation and revision of the quality of the master program

Program evaluation includes partial and cross-sectional evaluation and total and continuous evaluation, each of which can include evaluation of the teaching process and evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.

In order to achieve goals of the program sustainably, in cooperation with Board of Master Program in the Faculty, the committees of quality assurance, curriculum and teaching improvement committees of the faculty are obliged to implement evaluation and revision of the programs and implement the results in the program improvement process.

  • Presenting a semester base report from the results of the program and the extent of implementation of the development and operational plan of the program.

  • Holding regular meetings of the Master Board in the presence of a representative of the mentioned committees

Objectives of the MS Program

Study in atomic and nuclear physics pursues the following goals based on the needs of society and academic criteria

To Investigate and identify research needs in the field of nuclear energy and relevant sciences such as ionizing radiation, plasma, and laser in the context of industry, medicine, agriculture, and energy.

  • 1. Implementation of basic applied research and development projects in order to achieve the goals.
  • 2. Research cooperation and affiliation with universities and research institutes inside and outside the country in order to improve the quality of research activities.
  • 3. Publication of journals, scientific books and pamphlets, production of software's and computer programs.
  • 4. Holding scientific conferences and presenting research achievements in the form of educational workshops.
  • 5. Simultaneous implementation of basic research projects and applied projects in the field of nuclear related sciences (such as ionizing radiation, plasma, and laser) in line with the country's development programs.
  • 6. Development and innovation in the field of application of nuclear sciences and related sciences.
  • 7. Capacity building and providing appropriate facilities for the implementation of basic research projects and applied projects.
  • 8. Efforts to train specialized manpower required by the country's nuclear program.

9. Research and development to provide economics of products and services in the field of application of nuclear sciences and related sciences, such as the production of industrial and agricultural radioisotopes, radiopharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical and bimolecular kits, radiation services, lasers etc... By creating appropriate infrastructure based on management standards and quality control, participation in international projects to improve the quality of activities

Necessary planning to achieve the goals of the MS program:

  • Organizing research and technology system in the field of application and purpose.

  • Conducting basic research.

  • Stability and sustainability of its organization and infrastructure.

  • Establishing an integrated management policy and continuing its implementation.

  • Encouraging innovation activities.

  • Conducting purposeful research taking into account the economic and social interests of the country.

  • Provide the necessary funding through practical and purposeful research.

  • Achieve self-sufficiency and cut dependence on government funds and budget.

  • Scientific-research projects of the nuclear industry in coming years.

  • Strengthening our own capabilities to acquire and operate a nuclear power plant in the future.

  • Development and augmentation of radiopharmaceuticals in accordance with appropriate manufacturing methods.

  • Feasibility study to deal with radioactivity caused by effluents and sediments.

  • Development of scientific knowledge and strengthening of nuclear technology.

Expected results

graduates of nuclear physics will play their role at different public and private levels for planning and carrying academic activities in accordance with the goals of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for scientific development and prosperity, industrial progress and energy, raising the economy and eliminating the backwardness of the country,

Graduate qualifications or recruitment and education objectives for graduates

  • 1. Engaging in planning in all academic committees and institutions of higher education and universities.
  • 2. Planning and employment in all organizations as a competent manager.
  • 3. Employment in hospitals to control and treat various diseases using nuclear techniques.
  • 4. Employment in the Ministries: Agriculture, Public Health, Energy and Water, Mines and Petroleum
  • Employment in various Industries and independent institutions such as the Atomic Energy Commission, Environmental Protection Commission etc
  • 5. Capability of scientific research in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear medicine
  • 6. Ability to teach in various centers and institutions of higher education.
  • 7. Ability to design, implement and develop research projects in nuclear physics.
  • 8. Ability to continue study in the various branches of physics at PhD level.


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