Vision, Mission and Goals


A qualified and nationally and internationally recognized post graduate program to train and produce eligible professional cades to lead animal science sector, solve its problems and have significant input to develop competitive animal production sector of our country and respond to its development requirements.

Meanwhile, being reliable source of creating scientific papers and dissemination update problem based relevant information and strengthen the culture of research in the fields of animal science, like nutrition, feed and feeding, breeding, poultry, management.


The mission of animal science master is producing qualified and potent specialist in different field of animal husbandry and impose its impact on development of this sector through their sincerely affords after graduation. Moreover, it is the mission of this program to seek solution for different problems that the of animal production sector faces. This can be achieved through conducing problem oriented research works by student during their thesis works. These research works and their outcomes would represent Afghanistan scholars share to create new knowledge in animal science disciplines. The research works carried out by the students of this program well also enrich significantly scientific literature of our national languages.


  1. Gaining updated relevant knowledge and skill in animal science fields and developing their capability to deal with different challenges that that exit or emerge in the future and hamper the development of animal production sector.
  2. Gaining ability to conduct research works and through them create new knowledge and skills and find solution to existing or forthcoming problems in the animal science sector.
  3. Gaining ability to write scientific papers in standard and recognized style to share their experience with foreign scholars.

گالری رسانه

From 22 faculties of Kabul University, 2,308 students graduated with a bachelor's degree. Watch more details in the video report below.

A video report of the activities and achievements of the Faculty of Chemistry of Kabul University can be seen here.

The Fine Arts Faculty of Kabul University: For more details, follow the video report below.

A brief report of the activities carried out at Kabul University in the month of Asad.

A special conversation with the head of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Agha Mohammad Zhakfar, regarding the achievements and the general situation of the aforementioned faculty:

In Kabul University, the final exams of the students of different faculties of the spring semester continue with full transparency.

A special interview with Professor Safiullah Jawhar, the head of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kabul University

The three-day workshop for the students of the Department of Theater of the Faculty of Fine Arts was concluded by the guest professor (Dr. Edmund Chow) from Singapore.

The water purification system was used after a 30-year hiatus and was reactivated. It is used to irrigate about 60 acres of green space in the university yard. Full report in the video report prepared by Kabul University Publications Directorate.

A well-equipped computer laboratory has been built for the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature of Kabul University, where professors conduct their scientific research and students use it in different parts.

what to do Under the title (What should be done?) an artistic illustration was presented in relation to environmental protection. From the students of the Department of Theater, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kabul University, under the title, what should be done

Faculty of Information and communication Technology of Kabul University, which is located in Makroyan-Yake Tot area, you can get information about their scientific, administrative and teaching activities in this video report!