Directorate of Instructions

The department of professors' affairs is one of the most important and sensitive departments of Kabul University, which focuses on the relations of professors, personnel programs, and the development of professional personnel. in the formation of the professors' affairs department, in addition to the professors' director; There is also the management of professors, which works in the field of supporting and cooperating with the director of professors during the documentation process, preserving and maintaining documents related to professors, and other tasks assigned by this directorate.

The main duties of the head of Kabul University's professors' affairs are as follows: Reviewing and verifying the documents of academic staff members for appointment and during its procedures through the meeting of the appointment and dismissal committee of the university; Arranging and managing meetings related to the appointment of academic staff members and the implementation of secretary duties in the said meeting; Completing, registering, maintaining and going through the process of appointing academic staff members according to the Civil Higher Education Law; Examining and completing the documents related to the promotion of current professors through various committees and the academic council of the university; Organizing and participating in the agenda of the university's academic council and setting the stage for regular meetings of the university's academic council; Setting up and arranging the list of retired professors and its stages through its principle channel; and other duties assigned to it in the light of the Higher Education Law.

گالری رسانه

From 22 faculties of Kabul University, 2,308 students graduated with a bachelor's degree. Watch more details in the video report below.

A video report of the activities and achievements of the Faculty of Chemistry of Kabul University can be seen here.

The Fine Arts Faculty of Kabul University: For more details, follow the video report below.

A brief report of the activities carried out at Kabul University in the month of Asad.

A special conversation with the head of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Agha Mohammad Zhakfar, regarding the achievements and the general situation of the aforementioned faculty:

In Kabul University, the final exams of the students of different faculties of the spring semester continue with full transparency.

A special interview with Professor Safiullah Jawhar, the head of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kabul University

The three-day workshop for the students of the Department of Theater of the Faculty of Fine Arts was concluded by the guest professor (Dr. Edmund Chow) from Singapore.

The water purification system was used after a 30-year hiatus and was reactivated. It is used to irrigate about 60 acres of green space in the university yard. Full report in the video report prepared by Kabul University Publications Directorate.

A well-equipped computer laboratory has been built for the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature of Kabul University, where professors conduct their scientific research and students use it in different parts.

what to do Under the title (What should be done?) an artistic illustration was presented in relation to environmental protection. From the students of the Department of Theater, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kabul University, under the title, what should be done

Faculty of Information and communication Technology of Kabul University, which is located in Makroyan-Yake Tot area, you can get information about their scientific, administrative and teaching activities in this video report!