Objectives, Mission and Vision of the Faculty
The objectives of the faculty of ICT are the following:
- Development and expansion of communication engineering and information technology education.
- Training young professionals who can do analysis, design and research in various fields and have the ability to lead, innovation and entrepreneurship in their field.
- Creating the necessary conditions to be able to apply in higher education master's and doctoral degrees.
- Teaching and training students at high levels in parallel with the growth of science and technology.
- Build the ability to learn continuously throughout life.
- Strengthen self-confidence in industrial analytical issues and create the power of creativity and professional and professional thinking.
- Improving the capacity of faculty and staff to achieve growing professional goals.
The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, with the provision of active, diverse and innovative educational opportunities for developing human resources in the IT and communications sector for the younger generation of the country, through the provision of a scientific and academic environment free of any bias and discrimination. Be a prestigious scientific and academic entity in the country.
The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology wants to found a privileged and accepted position in the community using the scientific and professional staff and modern educational technologies in teaching and providing quality education for educational human resources in the field of information and communication technology.