Faculty Master’s Program Introduction

The Horticulture Department was established for the first time in 1354 together with the Forestry department under Name of “Forestry and Horticulture Department” in the Agriculture Faculty framework of Kabul University. In 1373, both departments were separated and Horticulture department started its activity as an independent department. Subsequently, this department was established in the agriculture faculties framework of important universities of the country. Currently, Horticulture department provide services is in more than 15 agriculture faculties of country’s universities.

Horticulture is an important part of plant science that includes three major sources of food such as vegetables, fruits and nuts. This sector also plays a significant role in other social fields such as creating jobs, raising the economic base of gardeners, greening the environments, etc. Horticulture is a major part of agriculture that includes science, art and experiences. Specialists and scholars of this department suing scientific and practical information in the fields of genetics, physiology, botany, chemistry and other sciences and also considering new and modern technology and techniques in accordance with today’s demand in order to increase the yield and quality, excellent and valuable fruits and vegetables varieties are produced, developed and exploited. In addition to that horticulture includes post-harvest technology, value addition, storage and processing of horticultural products, which increase its value and importance and greatly promotes the needs and requirements of farmers and markets.

Horticulture Master program includes the following courses:

  1. Basic courses (6 credits)
  2. Professional courses (27 credits)
  3. Optional courses (4 credits)
  4. Thesis (9 credits)


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